HoC-Art Print

100x70cm, Hemppaper,
Sustainable Edition
since 01.01.1993

The contemporary „History of Creation“ is a charming and interesting take on the story of “Creation“, a delightfully, sinfully, innocentinsight about how we as humans came to be.

It is a beautifully drawn print – but with a devilish twist, when it comes to money!


After printing the artwork, the artist, usually in consultation with his gallery, has to decide how large the edition should be (3/25 or 31/200 or ..), whereby commercial and image reasons are decisive here and not artistic ones.

However, it is important to us that everything that is part of our artwork, including the edition numbers, can be argued purely artistically.

In order to achieve this, we have used an artifice: We have invented the sustainable edition, i.e. we have only created one print per day since 01.01.1993, similar to the artist Jason Martin, who has been painting a monochrome picture every day also since the 1990s. However, this also makes the date an element of the artwork and it was only a small step to make the price a daily price too.

Finally, we established the artistic rule that says: If one element changes, the other two elements also change by one unit. In this way we have succeeded in ensuring that the art work itself enlarges its own edition and also defines its own price.

The HoC prints are art works that defy the traditional laws of the art market, question them and ultimately use the elements and laws or rules of the market as part of the artistic creation process alongside the date.

Therefore, you don’t buy our HoC print for a price, but the price – besides the date – is yours- literally!





Sustainable Edition

Limited Edition: Just one a day & Unlimited Edition: but every day one