From Prints to Sculptures From Money Art to Time Art
With more and more prints, the date is coming to the fore in artistic design.
By either refering to special days such as February 29 or combining several HoCs according to criterion like a weekend, a month, a year or all Mondays or Tuesdays, …, of a year, it is possible to create sculptures that each take on a theme from the world of art or finance.
The artistic price formation for sculptures: (∑ pn) X (M) = P
29. February
The rarest sculpture
The Rare Sculpture combines a framed print created on a 29th of February of a leap year and one REE (Rare Earth Elements) in a vial, the holder of which is made from shredded euro notes.
Limited Multiples: 17 sculptures
The 17 Rare Earthes are becoming more and more important in our modern society and especially in its IT economy, but also more and more problematic, be it the „dirty“ extraction, be it the geo-strategic allocation of the raw material sources or be it their recycling.
The vial is a reference to the annual miraculous faith inthe Cathedral of San Gennaro in Naples, Italy
The deal is about rarity and greed
The purest sculpture
Commody, between 28 and 31 stapled prints (representing a month), fixed onto a transportable euro-palette.
Limited Multiples
Year 1995/96: 12 sculptures Year 1997/98: 12 sculptures
One can reasonably wonder after decades of dramatically rising art prices whether art has not finally become an asset class, as some have hoped and many others feared.
Our answer to the commodification of art is – creating a commodity.
The deal ist about appropriation. But who is appropriating whom, the market the art or art the market?
The most dramatic sculpture
70x96x15cm All days like the Monday or Tuesday … or Sunday of 2014/18. Each sculptuter comes with 52 boxes for each share Limited Year 2014: 7 sculptures Year 2018: 7 sculptures
Imprisoned art: A worrying development is that more and more art works are not public, they are not even private, they are imprisoned in climate-controlled warehouse with high-tech security.
Imprisoned artists: Likewise, more and more artists are being locked up for their art and with the help of the Artivive app you can see an artist “locked up” in the print block.
Therefore, as an artistic statement, we imprisoned our own art by conglutinating 52 prints to one massive block.
Several (unrelated) buyers share in and mitigate a high-value tangible artwork and participate in future sales either of the artwork itself or sales by shares to multiple co-investors. Finaly one can make a complex financial contract on a future artwork sale (so-called derivatives)
The most capitalistic sculpture
This an one of a kind outdoor installation consist of all 365 prints of the year 1994, wherebythe drawings represent a family in their house, the small print the mortgage lor each house.
This sculpture is reflecting the bursting of the real estate bubble in the USA, which is considered to have triggered the financial crisis in 2008.
Many US citizens and families with a low income had received a loan to buy a house.In extreme cases, these home builders did not even have a job or any other property to secure the loan. These were the so-called ninja loans: no income, no job, no asset.
These loans/mortages were bundeled and sold as CMOs (Collateralized Mortgage Obligations) then.
As a real estate developer, you can build a HoC-village of 365 houses for families and take over the mortgages as security and sell them bundled on the secondary market or …
The deal is about value and/or people
Mobile – Weekend
The most educational sculpture
145x10x20cm, moveable 2x prints wood framed, aluminium rods connected by 3D-Prints, Limited : 52 All weekends of 2013
This mobile is made of 2 prints (Saturdy & Sunday) and can therefore be used very well to: …teach about „Art Weekends“, „Gallery Weekends“, „Art in 2 Days – Seminars“, „Lectures at Art Schools/University“, … … it can show the current development of the (art) market … but it can also be a reminder of romantic weekends together.